About Peter "Hob" Reichenbach

For over 30 years, Peter “Hob" Reichenbach has used his exceptional strategic and leadership skills to nurture and solidify Gavel International accounts, as well as maintain Gavel’s reputation as a leader in the industry. Early in his career, he was a Travel Director at a major incentive house. In 1987, he joined Gavel International as a Program Manager and later held the position as Account Manager. Due to his tireless work ethic and dogged pursuit of excellence, Hob was named an Executive Vice President and Partner by 1997. He was promoted to Managing Director in 2008. Today, Hob continues a legacy of excellence and is devoted to strengthening long-term relationships with clients through transparency and commitment to provide both quality service and high value.

February 2020

The 10 Critical Keys to Ensure Successful Leadership

2022-11-28T12:40:04-06:00February 25th, 2020|

There is a difference between being a manager and being a leader. Managers begrudgingly carry out the duties of their job, either doing the minimum or trying to micromanage their employees into a corner. Leaders, on the other hand, put the needs of their team and the company first, always working for the good of both. Despite the importance of [...]

September 2019

The Cure for Boring Meetings in the Healthcare Industry

2022-11-28T12:09:53-06:00September 26th, 2019|

Within the healthcare industry, meetings are a vital way of sharing the latest medical findings. In fact, a striking 87% of healthcare professionals use meetings to acquire new medical information.1 Sadly, the majority of participants feel these meetings leave something to be desired. A recent survey found that 39% of physicians report having negative experiences at their meetings.2 This [...]

How to Spot Ineffective Meetings (and How to Stop Them)

2022-11-28T12:47:48-06:00September 12th, 2019|

Every day somewhere between 36-56 million meetings take place in the US alone.1 Regardless of whether those meetings are small inter-office gatherings or large-scale corporate events, every meeting is meant to accomplish something. It’s only common sense that unproductive meetings are bad for business, but just how much do unproductive meetings really cost? The Real Impact of Poor Planning [...]

April 2018

10 Best Foods and Drinks in Cape Town, South Africa

2022-09-21T11:03:01-05:00April 26th, 2018|

Cape Town’s coastal location has made it a cultural crossroads for centuries, and the culinary variety here testifies to this fact. International influences combine with local ingredients for a plethora of options that do not disappoint. For the first-time visitor, here are ten of the best foods and drinks to try during your stay. Gatsby at Wembley Roadhouse We can’t [...]

February 2018

How Incentive Travel Changes Behavior

2022-11-23T14:04:59-06:00February 8th, 2018|

There are a number of differences between strong incentive programs and weak ones, but the most significant one is the long-term effects. A poor incentive program (typically cash incentives) will have a negligible effect on participants’ behavior, if there’s any effect at all. A successful program (such as non-cash programs like travel), however, creates lasting change. It’s not just [...]

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating an Incentive Travel Program

2022-11-28T12:38:39-06:00February 1st, 2018|

Mistakes can be costly especially if you’re planning a travel incentive program in-house. Ultimately oversights can cost your business time and money. Consider the ten most common travel incentive program mistakes: Ambiguous Goals You can’t hit a target that you can’t see. If the goal of your program is to simply “increase sales” or “gain more new customers” it [...]

January 2018

10 Meeting Planner Habits that Clients Love

2022-11-28T12:42:54-06:00January 25th, 2018|

The best meeting planners understand that forging—and maintaining—business relationships is critical to their success. Whether these things come naturally to you or not, the following ten habits are worth striving for and will benefit any planning efforts. Timeliness Tardiness looks bad, plain and simple. Whether it’s responding to emails promptly, showing up at a venue on time, or meeting [...]

5 Steps to Avoiding a Venue Renovation Crisis

2022-11-28T12:08:33-06:00January 4th, 2018|

One of the greatest disasters a meeting or destination planner can experience is finding out, at short notice, that the chosen venue is no longer suitable. It’s not uncommon for venues, whether hotels or event centers, to perform renovations, maintenance, etc. They generally have some idea of when the renovations will begin, roughly how long it’ll take, etc., but [...]

December 2017

Determining Qualifying Criteria for Your Incentive Program

2022-11-28T12:30:19-06:00December 7th, 2017|

Everybody wants to be a winner. When it comes to creating incentive programs, one of the first steps is determining who is eligible for the incentive award. This may sound easy, but there are a lot of variables involved. There’s more than just the question of eligibility—you need to determine who can participate before you can figure out who [...]

November 2017

Executive Meetings and Destination Travel Safety

2022-11-28T12:03:17-06:00November 2nd, 2017|

Safety should always be a primary consideration when putting together an executive meeting. There are plenty of potential dangers to health and security, and these possibilities should be considered when planning travel, especially out of the United States. To help you with this task, here is a list of important considerations for ensuring your meeting is safe and secure. [...]

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