March 2023

February 2023

Key Takeaways from Tech Sector Layoffs

2023-07-13T16:25:48-05:00February 6th, 2023|

Reading Time: 7 minutes During the pandemic, tech companies had an ideal environment for rapid growth. When the pandemic ended, layoffs started. What can all organizations learn from this experience to be more thoughtful, insightful, agile, and successful?

November 2022

How a Recognition-Rich Work Culture Adds Value

2024-02-29T12:11:31-06:00November 21st, 2022|

Employees want a healthy workplace where they feel their work is valued, contributes to the organization, and is appreciated. Organizations need to understand what workers want from peers, leaders, and the organization itself to maintain their morale and motivation to continuously increase engagement, performance, and retention. A recognition-rich work culture is essential to this dynamic since it adds tremendous value. [...]

Quiet Quitting: The Nemesis of Productive and Effective Organizations – Part 2 of 2

2022-10-31T20:57:44-05:00November 7th, 2022|

READ Part 1 HERE Years ago, it was easier for employers and organizations to manage their employees. Workers were expected to do a specific job during specific hours (or a particular number of hours) for a specified pay rate. The relationship between employees and the company they worked for was transactional.  Employees put in the appointed hours and received a [...]

October 2022

Quiet Quitting: The Nemesis of Productive and Effective Organizations – Part 1 of 2

2022-10-31T20:51:06-05:00October 31st, 2022|

Quiet quitting doesn't involve quitting a place of employment, rather, it is a response to the hustle and bustle of the corporate culture. Sometimes called burnout, employees are unwilling to exceed expectations and decline to do additional tasks without verbal or financial acknowledgment. Instead of resigning, some employees are simply quietly quitting. It's a term that hit social media late [...]

The Meeting Planner’s Guide to Minimize Staff Shortages

2022-12-12T16:55:14-06:00October 24th, 2022|

Like many other industries, staff shortages can have an impact on in-person and group incentive travel events. Experienced meeting planners have the right connections, experience, and creativity to get things done. Challenging situations due to short staffing can't always be avoided, but there are ways to minimize their impact. (1) Stephanie Ferguson, Director of Global Employment Policy & Special Initiatives [...]

Happiness is a Priority, But It Isn’t THE Priority

2022-09-21T10:10:55-05:00October 10th, 2022|

Every leader knows that employee happiness is vital to business success. Joyful workers bring immense value to organizations. When employees are content, they devote twice the time to tasks(1); are 12% more productive (2); produce 23% higher profits(3) plus score 10% higher in customer ratings and generate 18% more sales. (4) Organizations that desire happy, satisfied employees are more likely [...]

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