February 2022

A Meeting Planner’s Guide to Sustainable Gifts for Attendees

2022-11-23T13:52:07-06:00February 1st, 2022|

Whether for travel incentives or meetings, gifts for events are something special that starts a “feel good” moment with all attendees. Historically these can be large gift baskets filled with expensive wines, electronics, locally made gifts, etc. But as more corporations are aware of climate change and leaving smaller carbon footprints, gift-giving is a matter that should be addressed with [...]

January 2022

Employee Value Propositions (EVP) and Why They Matter in 2022

2022-11-23T13:55:31-06:00January 18th, 2022|

What is an EVP?  An employee value proposition (EVP) focuses on the benefits a company offers employees in return for their skills, experience, and qualities they bring to the position. An EVP is a robust recruitment and employee engagement tool. But it can also be more than that. EVPs are a brand's beacon, and the best EVPs are an authentic [...]

December 2021

A Social Media Video Checklist

2022-11-28T12:31:17-06:00December 21st, 2021|

Marketing with video is here to stay because it is incredibly effective in reach and engagement.  Most of the social media platforms today have high video content visibility. A testament to the increased demand for videos is the introduction of Reels and IGTV on Instagram and Facebook Watch. Approximately 85% of people on the internet in the US watched online [...]

4 Ways to Inspire Workplace Creativity

2022-11-28T12:15:16-06:00December 7th, 2021|

By 2020, the World Economic Forum believes that creativity will be the third most important skill for employees, after complex problem solving and critical thinking. (1) Each employee has the potential to help foster a culture that boosts and nurtures creativity. Organizations that encourage creativity are likely to reap the benefits of innovation through increased worker morale.  Creativity is essential [...]

November 2021

What To Do When Corporate Culture Rewards Incompetence

2022-11-23T13:57:47-06:00November 23rd, 2021|

Assume for a minute that one of your co-workers spends most of the workday sending texts, using the web for non-work-related efforts, or otherwise wasting time. However, they still have a positive, buddy-buddy relationship with the boss. The co-worker gets rewarded with a "good job" from the boss and gets the same perks despite investing minimal effort into the job. [...]

Leading Without Fear

2022-11-28T12:39:43-06:00November 19th, 2021|

Being a leader is hard.  Being authentic – who you are – can be even more complicated. Many people depend on you to provide guidance and drive the vision and goals of the organization.  Being effective at being a leader means that you can’t lead if you aren’t genuine, especially when being your real, authentic self. It’s along the lines [...]

October 2021

Behaviors Critical to Corporate Competence and Employee Recognition

2022-11-23T13:58:03-06:00October 26th, 2021|

Trust is essential to any relationship, even in the workplace.  Trusting that everyone within a team is accountable for completing work correctly, on time, and within budget is the standard by which organization success is measured.  When confidence is lacking about how others perform, mistrust and distrust can lead to low morale, poor productivity, and even hinder company growth. Whether [...]

Brain-breaks: Become A Better Daydreamer

2022-11-23T13:58:23-06:00October 12th, 2021|

Have you ever had difficulty concentrating and staying focused on a task? The good news is that a brain break might not be as detrimental to your work as you think – it might even help you solve a problem. (1) People dislike spending time with their thoughts. Have you ever noticed how many people have their heads down while [...]

August 2021

Building Business: It’s About More than Lead Generation

2022-09-21T10:25:28-05:00August 31st, 2021|

Where do you focus your business activities: bringing in new customers or keeping your current ones? Both types are important for companies, but retaining existing customers reigns supreme.  Prospecting for new customers is important, asking for referrals is important, but repeat business is essential. If you need reasons why you should concentrate on repeat business, as well as leads and [...]

4 Facts About Returning to In-Person Meetings

2022-11-28T12:04:55-06:00August 24th, 2021|

After months in which virtual meetings took center stage, the need for in-person meetings is finally regaining its rightful place as number one. This fact is a welcome development, as neither virtual nor hybrid meetings are as essential to the engagement and networking opportunities at in-person events. Companies that wish to get back in the game have pressing questions for [...]

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